Beyond Walls

Contemporary Artist Simon Röhlen A.K.A. KEF! Takes the Art World by Storm

KEF! first gained global acclaim for his unique and captivating style. Whether for the public or by private commissions, the scale of his art not only leaves viewers in awe but ignites inspiration and amazement. With widespread success from engagements with top galleries and collectors, Röhlen’s notable works are cited and proclaim status.

World-famed for his large-scale murals on massive buildings and interior walls, his powerfully evocative leitmotif is equally recognizable on apparel, accessories, furnishings, canvas, and paper. His ability to work across various mediums showcases his versatility, a key tenant that any global artist wishes to achieve. The surprise factor in his diverse creations keeps the audience engaged and makes his art accessible.

Working in various contexts and environments, the substrate and form of KEF!’s artwork isn’t decisive. His interest in learning how materiality gesticulates the project’s scope is a curiosity and a source of innovation. “I don’t actively push toward a particular style or deconstruct my technique; there’s more passivity in seeing where it ends up. Naturally, going with the flow during this evolution has been less achievable in terms of knowing the extent of how my experiences have impacted the content of my work. Still, in the long term, it has been more recognizable.”

KEF!’s long list of achievements could be quickly glanced over, but it takes your breath away if you stop and absorb its breadth and impact. Röhlen was chosen to represent Germany and the world in the official artistic efforts of @visitqatar and the FIFA World Cup Qatar in 2022 with the creative initiative to bring people of all countries together. He also created site-specific installations at Berlin’s Festival of Lights, the Park Lane Hotel in Hong Kong, and the Commerce Building in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Additionally, he held a solo exhibition at the Museum Goch in Germany. His extraordinary murals can be seen globally in the United States, China, England, France, Germany, Guatemala, Israel, Spain, and Wales. On the three-dimensional (3D), KEF! was commissioned by retailer Urban Outfitters to design the interiors for stores in London, Berlin, Stuttgart, and Hong Kong. Surpassing pop-culture status, KEF! has proven he’s here to stay, connecting people from all corners of the world through his art. 

With a succession of events in the pipeline, including two art books and a North American Fine Art Gallery tour with the most heralded Street Artists of his genre, this trailblazer is forging ahead. When questioned about how KEF! measures success, he replied, “I’m proud to stand tall and share my contributions alongside world-class artists at the BURNER Exhibition, a first-class destination for Public Art.”

Growing up in Aachen, a small German town on the Dutch border, Simon Röhlen began to carve out his niche that would shape his cultural milieu from the youth of his career. To categorize or define his work would be futile. Röhlen describes his paintings as a way to release his emotions. “Art is my way of expressing myself,” he shares. “It’s a deeply personal journey where I find peace and a sense of harmony that calms my inner thoughts.”  

KEF!’s work not only signifies and deconstructs the biases of dissimilarity but also emphasizes the existence of natural order. His intentional effect vividly demonstrates the environment and humanity’s interrelationship. “The lines in which I paint touch and resemble those of a spider web, delicately weaving a tapestry of interconnectedness. Despite each line’s individuality or ever-changing view, every strand within the web is intricately crafted to create balance. This balance, this harmony, is a visual representation of how I see the resilience of humanity and Nature coexisting in unison.”  

The artistic expression displayed at the Park Lane Hotel in Hong Kong is a prime example. KEF!’s mastery of form creates a sensory experience that interacts with the depths and consciousness of life on earth, highlighting how interiors establish a balance between form and essence.

As a testament to KEF!’s aesthetic, architect Deborah Desilets, a renowned figure in the architectural world who worked closely with Morris Lapidus in later years, shares her perspective on KEF!’s artistic compass. “The sentiment of Röhlen’s philosophy is rooted in his work. Feelings seem to find their form. It’s all a flow, a motion, and emotion in each element, like a leaf in the wind, a forest abetted.”

Röhlen is dedicated to helping individuals discover their inner calm to overcome the turmoil and trauma prevalent in modern society. “Beyond the serenity is the feeling that many people live in fear. We must calm down inside and embark on a personal journey to find truth in ourselves and still the mind. My work can be referenced as a tool for every being to find balance and inner peace. I wouldn’t say that the serenity and harmony I’m trying to spread is the end resolute. It’s more of what people can take into their lives. It’s very touching when I receive messages from people telling me I help ease their pain and help sort out their strife and struggles, as it’s always been my desire to give people a sense of comfort if they are open to it”, says KEF!

A transformative experience unfolded at Simon’s exhibition at Museum Goch, Cosmic Rain Drops in the Forest of Serenity. The visitor, deeply affected by the concept of painting on boxes to create a forest, embarks on self-discovery. In the exhibit’s center was a bench for visitors to sit on. “A young man in his 20s told me he had recently lost one of his closest friends and was struggling to comprehend the situation.” He later mentioned, “After a long time, I’m finally able to find myself again amidst this turbulent and darkest period of my life, and I can now recollect my thoughts and emotions.”

Reflecting on his 14-year-old self, Simon recalls his enthusiasm for graffiti, particularly street wall art. To paraphrase the meaning “Wear your heart on your sleeve,” KEF! whose name means scar, gave himself the name not only to leave his mark on society and the surfaces he embellishes but also on the minds who view it. “In those days, I rarely looked at other artists’ work or visited galleries or museums. It was a conscious decision to maintain the purity and integrity of my artistic expression, free from external influences.” Carrying on with the conversation, “After honing the spray-painting technique and creating murals, it became evident that I needed to find an alternative to painting outside. Inside my childhood room at my parents’ house, I began applying my skills to the canvas medium and painted like crazy.” It wasn’t until years later that he started to question, “Why do I do what I do?”



In 2006, KEF! experienced a crucial turning point in his creative exploration when he stumbled upon “The Art of Rebellion: The World of Street Art.” The chance to express himself through graphic art, as portrayed in the book, immediately grabbed his attention. This revelation set him on a path that would significantly influence his work for years. “Although it isn’t conscious, every moment in life influences the next moment. Like the winds of time, sentience is natural, meaning nothing in life stays the same as it was ten minutes ago.”

KEF! crafted two prominently featured characters in his work in the following years. As the replication of the material world increasingly stifled his creativity, his paintings transitioned toward a more abstract style.

At 19, KEF! began a three-and-a-half-year training program to become an industrial mechanic. Despite this, his passion for painting thrived, fueled by his unwavering belief in the necessity of living a creative life and devoting himself entirely to painting. “Consistency and the creative drive to keep striving for a deeper connection with Nature and the world around me is the motor and the motivation that drives me to continue and soak myself into the process.”

 KEF! reiterates, “I always strive to progress in my work, which has transformed me from a street artist to a fine artist. When I don’t paint for a while, I become anxious and nervous, and if there’s a long gap, it creates a sense of urgency for me.”

After receiving a direct invitation from former German professional soccer player Christian Timm, KEF! was selected to exhibit his work at Timm’s pop-up gallery, “Neeshkat,” alongside other talented street artists. This experience sparked a new creative energy within him, inspiring his move from Berlin to London in 2011, where he passionately delved into the dynamic and captivating London art scene.

“Looking at ART pulls back the curtain on how people think and allows us to feel how people live and have lived,” says Röhlen. I started visiting museums and looking at historical paintings at that time. I lost myself in what the creator of the painting tried to provoke. I imagine myself in the moment of the scene of what the painter was revealing in their work.”

“However, the most influential master in shaping my aesthetic is Nature. Jeff Koons, Keith Haring, and graffiti artist STIK also share a spiritual commonality with me. Still, Kazimir Malevich and his emphasis on spirituality and the ‘supremacy of pure feeling’ greatly impacted my perceptions of art.”

During his time in London, KEF! gained notoriety for his unique style, which caught the eye of art connoisseurs and private collectors worldwide. He painted numerous murals and eventually exhibited his work in galleries, ultimately finding a place in private art collections.

Ever since 2005, KEF! has chosen Berlin as his home. To him, the city embodies the freedom he craves, while its people’s vibrant, creative energy inspires him constantly. Despite this deep connection to Berlin, he remains committed to remaining untethered in any one city, with a sense of being everywhere and nowhere.

In 2018, Röhlen joined Fitz Contemporary which disrupts the conventional approach with its unique strategies to promote and support diverse urban and contemporary artists around the globe. This platform honors the street art genre, which has evolved into a movement that defines a generation. It fosters mid-career and international artists, demonstrating a commitment to nurturing and promoting emerging voices. The playful, expressive, and provocative visuals engage the audience and comment on today’s zeitgeist. Fitz Contemporary’s success is attributed to allowing the artists to focus on creation while managing all the business aspects.

“Watching KEF! is like watching an athlete perform at the highest level. There’s a certain amount of physicality in the steadiness of his free hand with a unique approach of how he addresses the subject matter”, shares Mark Bronson, VP of Sales & Marketing at Fitzhugh Holdings.

“I’m always trying to perfect the balance of my ideologies throughout different mediums and to use my commercial gain for meaningful initiatives that support people’s lives,” says KEF! “Altruistically, I’ve realized this is the highest reward of my achievements and what I’ve been put in this universe to do.”

KEF! has arrived and we can’t wait to see the next chapter of his genius!

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